Stevenage and North Herts Athletics Club Logo
Stevenage and North Herts
Athletics Club
Ridlins Athletics Stadium
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SNHAC Codes of Conduct

Club Information

SNHAC Codes of Conduct

The club, through its officers, committee, coaches and officials will:

  • promote a safe, effective and child friendly environment for all athletes following the UK Athletics Policies and Procedures;
  • promote an active Child Protection Policy;
  • promote an active Safety Policy;
  • provide coaching in as many athletic disciplines as possible;
  • provide a competition programme suited to all abilities and capabilities of members;
  • arrange that coaches and team managers are visible to athletes and parents by the wearing of (club provided) jackets and/or polo shirts;
  • carry out their obligations re their conduct as set out in their licence agreements with UK Athletics; (coaches and technical officials)
  • promote the process of training and qualification of members, parents or supporters who wish to become a coach, or a technical official.

The club, in return, asks athletes and parents to follow the following code of conduct, by:

  • athletes and parents respecting the coaches and officials of the club, understanding that they are all volunteers, giving up their time in order to ensure the success of the club, and the enjoyment and improved performance of the members;
  • parents providing the basic clothing and footwear as suggested at the Induction Evening and the athletes following their coaches guidance about wearing it;
  • athletes responding to directions given them by their coaches, such as using the track lanes or field area as directed;
  • athletes under the age of 16 only training with a recognised training group under the direction of a qualified coach;
  • parents and supporters refraining from using unacceptable language and behaviour at training or competitive events. (Unacceptable behaviour includes berating their children with regard to their performances)
  • parents and supporters not venturing onto the track or field areas of any competitive or training area;
  • parents and responsible adults delivering athletes on time, so sessions can start promptly and collecting the athletes from the entrances of any building or facility being used, not allowing them to cross dark car-parks etc on their own and by not being late in collecting them from sessions/events;
  • parents and supporters being prepared to offer their services on club nights and at matches helping the club to provide a full range of services to all athletes.

If an athlete wishes to change coaching group they should ensure they follow the changing groups policy.

Changing groups policy Download this file
Risk Assessment for coaches organising sessions which are not at the track Download this file
EA 2021 Codes of Conduct Booklet Download this file
SNHAC Codes of Conduct 2018 Download this file
Off Track Risk Assessment for sessions not at Ridlins Download this file